Sign about badgers

Pests and diseases

Pests and diseases can affect all growers, with devastating effects but there are lots of ways to prevent and treat them organically, including setting up a healthy growing area.
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Pests and diseases this month

Aphids of all sorts will be on the increase this month. Before summer predators such as ladybirds and wasps are ready to eat them, use hand picking/squishing to control an infestation build-up, rather than resort to toxic sprays.

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Your organic garden in March

Spring has sprung and it’s time to get sowing and growing as the nights and days warm up.

Fact sheets - Pests and diseases

Our member factsheets contain in-depth information and guidance on a range of topics. Log in or join us to access them.

  • Pests and diseases

    Pollen beetle

    Take a look at our member fact sheet for detailed information about pollen beetle.

  • Pests and diseases

    Onion white rot

    Tackle the destructive effects of onion white rot with our handy member fact sheet.

  • Pests and diseases

    Woolly Aphid

    Find out how to prevent Woolly Aphid in your organic garden with our handy member fact sheet.

  • Pests and diseases

    New Zealand flatworm

    Find out more about New Zealand flatworm, and how to prevent and control it with our member factsheet.

Ladybird on a Nasturtium leaf

The Principles of Organic Gardening

Organic gardening works within natural systems and cycles. Find out how to practice the five principles.

Frequently asked questions