Getting started with composting
Making compost is often considered to be complex but all you need to do is provide the right ingredients and let nature do the rest.
What can I compost?
Anything that was once living will compost, but some items are best avoided. For best results, use a mixture of ingredients and equal amounts by volume of 'green' and 'brown' items.
How to make compost
There are a number of ways to make compost to enrich your soil, including making a cold heap, a hot heap or a mix of both. To make good compost you need a more or less equal amount of 'greens' and 'browns' by volume.
Where do I make my compost?
A bin is not strictly necessary – you can just build a heap and cover it over with some polythene or cardboard. However, bins do look neater and are easier to manage.
Composting hints and tips
How to use and compost some common ingredients including leaves, grass, weeds, clippings, manure, paper and wood.
Composting this month
Give your compost heap a 'spring turn' to aerate and stimulate the contents. But if you heap is open, take care - hedgehogs, slow worms and other creatures often creep in to hibernate.
Your organic garden in March
Spring has sprung and it’s time to get sowing and growing as the nights and days warm up.
Also this month
Composting bins and choices

Fact sheets - composting
Our member fact sheets contain in-depth information and guidance on a range of topics. Log in or join us to access them.
Compost, how to make it
Our detailed Garden Organic member fact sheet will guide you through the steps to make your own compost.
Composts and manures in the organic garden
Learn more about using composts and manures in the organic garden with our handy Garden Organic member fact sheet.
Potting composts: making your own
Find out why making your own potting compost is the recipe for success! Follow the tips and guidance on our Garden Organic member fact sheet.
Green waste compost
Use our handy Garden Organic member fact sheet for guidance on using green waste compost effectively.