Worms in compost


Making and using compost is the cornerstone of organic gardening. Made of recycled garden, kitchen and dry waste, the finished product is rich, dark, crumbly and sweet-smelling. Use it to feed and condition your soil and in making potting mixes.
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Composting this month

Give your compost heap a 'spring turn' to aerate and stimulate the contents. But if you heap is open, take care - hedgehogs, slow worms and other creatures often creep in to hibernate.

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Your organic garden in March

Spring has sprung and it’s time to get sowing and growing as the nights and days warm up.

Composting video
Watch our guide to home composting video, part 1.
Composting video
Watch our guide to home composting video, part 2.

Fact sheets - composting

Our member fact sheets contain in-depth information and guidance on a range of topics. Log in or join us to access them.

  • Composting

    Compost, how to make it

    Our detailed Garden Organic member fact sheet will guide you through the steps to make your own compost.

  • Composting

    Composts and manures in the organic garden

    Learn more about using composts and manures in the organic garden with our handy Garden Organic member fact sheet.

  • Composting

    Potting composts: making your own

    Find out why making your own potting compost is the recipe for success! Follow the tips and guidance on our Garden Organic member fact sheet.

  • Composting

    Green waste compost

    Use our handy Garden Organic member fact sheet for guidance on using green waste compost effectively.

Ladybird on a Nasturtium leaf

The Principles of Organic Gardening

Organic gardening works within natural systems and cycles. Find out how to practice the five principles.

Frequently asked questions