Tomatoes growing in the green house

Visit our garden in support of the NGS - 7th September

Saturday 7 September 2024
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Open Gardens

We're delighted to be partnering with the National Open Garden Scheme to allow access to our organic demonstration garden on 7th September 2024.

The National Garden Scheme gives visitors unique access to more than 3,500 exceptional private gardens in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Channel Islands. The money raised from these open gardens goes towards supporting vital nursing and health charities. Admission to our garden for NGS dates is £5 and tickets can be booked through the NGS link below.

What you will see in September

Unlike our guided garden tours, you will be able to explore our gardens at your leisure during the NGS open days.

Savour the stunning autumn colours in our garden in September. The vegetable beds will be bursting with beans, ready for drying and seed saving. There'll be plenty of beautiful pumpkins and squash to admire, and the sunflowers and heleniums will still be going strong. The team will be apple picking, and sowing and planting the last of the autumn lettuces and oriental greens.


Very knowledgeable gardeners and picked up some great organic gardening tips

— September tour attendee

About our garden

Bursting with vegetables, flowers, insects and organic inspiration, our unique organic demonstration garden is packed with ideas and techniques to help you garden the organic way.

As the only organic horticultural charity in the UK, our garden reflects 65 years of sustainable horticulture knowledge and expertise. The garden addresses ways of dealing with the challenges of climate extremes such as flooding and drought and demonstrates the practices and principles of successful organic gardening, from composting and soil health to encouraging biodiversity.

There’s a beautiful ornamental garden with plants and flowers to attract a wide range of wildlife, and a kitchen garden with seasonal fruits and vegetables that include unusual, heirloom varieties selected from the charity’s Heritage Seed Library – which holds the 800-plus National Plant Collection for heritage vegetables.

Raised beds, containers and vertical plantings show what can be done in smaller gardens, balconies or rented accommodation. And there’s an alpine area dedicated to Garden Organic founder Lawrence Hills, who was a specialist grower of alpines and created beautiful displays for the Chelsea Flower Show.

Book your place with the National Garden Scheme.