Heritage Seed Library polytunnel

Growing Heirloom Vegetables - Weds 4th Sept

Wednesday 4 September 2024
10:00am - 3:00pm
Vegetables and herbs Gardening and growing
Book your place by Wednesday, 21st of August to take advantage of our early bird offers!
In this hands-on workshop you’ll get an in-depth look at what we mean when we talk about heirloom vegetables, with advice on how to grow them and a chance to taste test some of our more unusual varieties.

What you will learn

  • What constitutes an heirloom vegetable.
  • Why it matters to keep them alive.
  • How to grow heirloom varieties true to type for seed saving.

Session overview:

Much of our cultivated biodiversity – including the vegetable seeds we grow to eat – are in decline. Over the last century, we’ve lost many hundreds of local vegetable varieties, grown for generations by seed companies, families and communities.

In this face-to-face workshop at our Heritage Seed Library in Ryton, near Coventry, you’ll discover why we’re helping to preserve history, knowledge and skills through heirloom seed saving.

Marcin will take your through the intricacies of growing heirloom varieties, using techniques such as bagging and hand pollination. Plus, they’ll be a chance to see, smell and taste many of beautiful Library heirlooms for yourself.

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Session leader: Marcin Salnikow

Marcin started gardening with his grandparents in Poland. He studied technical horticulture there before moving to the UK, where he continued his studies with the RHS and Best in Horticulture. He has been gardening professionally since 2015 and first came to Garden Organic as a volunteer before becoming part of the gardening team in 2017. He is now Lead Horticulturalist at the Heritage Seed Library, overseeing seed production from planning through growing to harvest. He has a passion for all things propagation, from seeds to cuttings but his speciality is grafting.

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I loved the mix of activities and it was great to get outside in the garden.

— Workshop Attendee

Workshop prices

Member & Non Member
Member Early bird - £55 Member Standard - £60
Non Member Early bird - £60 Non Member Standard - £70

Our face-to-face workshops

Our hands-on workshops are based at our organic demonstration garden in Ryton, near Coventry, and offer in-depth techniques and advice. There is a relaxed and informal approach with plenty of opportunity for discussion and a blend of practical outdoor and classroom-based activities. Refreshments and light lunch are included. Supplementary resources are supplied at or following the session. Please bring waterproof shoes and suitable outdoor clothing, secateurs (we can provide if not) and notebook and pencil.

Book your place now

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Become a part of the organic movement and enjoy free access to tours of our organic demonstration garden and Heritage Seed Library, along with special discounts on organic gardening workshops.

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