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Garden Organic Members Day - Saturday 21st September

Saturday 21 September 2024
10:00am - 3:15pm

Members' Day agenda 🔗

Garden Organic members are invited to join us at our home at Ryton Gardens for a day of organic inspiration!

10.00am - Arrival and registration (a free shuttle bus will be running between Coventry Train Station and Ryton Gardens)

10.30am - Welcome

10.45am - Keynote speech from Garden Organic's President, Professor Tim Lang

11.30am - Workshop session 1 - choose one of the following activities:

  • Behind the scenes at the Heritage Seed Library
  • Garden tour
  • Composting talk
  • Plastics and the soil project (led by Coventry University's Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience)

12.15pm - Lunch

1.30pm - Workshop session 2 - repeat of the above

2.30pm - Organic gardening Q&A

3.00pm - Closing remarks

3.15pm - Ends

Book today

Click here to book your place. Tickets are £18 with lunch, or free without lunch.