The wildlife pond in February

How to Build an Organic Wildlife Pond - Weds 2nd October

Wednesday 2 October 2024
10:00am - 3:00pm
Wildlife gardening Gardening and growing
Book your place by Wednesday, 18th of September to take advantage of our early bird offers!
Join Chris Collins at this hands-on workshop to learn how to build a pond – one of the best things you can add to your garden to attract wildlife.

What you will learn

  • The benefits of a pond as part of a healthy growing space
  • How to build a sustainable pond
  • Choosing the best waterside plants
  • Looking after your pond

Session overview:

Adding ‘blue space’ to your garden will rapidly increase the wildlife in your growing area. Even a small water source will provide shelter, drink and food for a range of birds, insects and amphibians. Autumn or early spring are the best times of year to install one – and in this workshop at our organic garden in Ryton, near Coventry, Chris will give you all the organic know-how to design, build and plant up your wildlife pond.

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Session leader: Chris Collins

Our head of organic horticulture has gardening experience that spans many years and many locations. After training at the Royal Botanical Garden in Edinburgh, he spent time working in Africa and Japan, before returning to the UK in 1998 as Higher Botanical Horticulturalist at Kew Gardens, and as Head Gardener at Westminster Abbey. Chris also held the highly sought-after position of BBC Blue Peter gardener for nine years, where he got to utter the line "here’s one I made earlier" on numerous occasions!

Chris Collins in the garden

I loved the mix of activities and it was great to get outside in the garden.

— Workshop Attendee

Workshop prices

Member & Non Member
Member Early bird - £55 Member Standard - £60
Non Member Early bird - £60 Non Member Standard - £70

Our face-to-face workshops

Our hands-on workshops are based at our organic demonstration garden in Ryton, near Coventry, and offer in-depth techniques and advice. There is a relaxed and informal approach with plenty of opportunity for discussion and a blend of practical outdoor and classroom-based activities. Refreshments and light lunch are included. Supplementary resources are supplied at or following the session. Please bring waterproof shoes and suitable outdoor clothing, secateurs (we can provide if not) and notebook and pencil.

Book your place now

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Become a part of the organic movement and enjoy free access to tours of our organic demonstration garden and Heritage Seed Library, along with special discounts on organic gardening workshops.

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