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Our views

News and views

Latest news, blogs and updates from Garden Organic.


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    Heritage veg could be the answer to the climate and food crisis

    Having a wider choice of vegetables varieties to grow - such as heritage and heirloom varieties - could be the key to increasing climate and food resilience.

  2. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Vegetable growing

    Was 2024 the worst gardening year on record?

    Slugs and snails were the stars of our veg growing survey for 2024 – with respondents suggesting it was the ‘Year of the Slug’!

  3. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Volunteering opportunities

    Free training for Master Composters and eco-volunteers

    Suffolk and Leicestershire county councils have teamed up with Garden Organic to offer free training to help make the counties a cleaner, greener and healthier place to live.

  4. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Our Views

    How do you support biodiversity?

    Our recent biodiversity survey shows supporters are taking big steps to protect wildlife in their growing spaces

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    • Wildlife gardening

    Look out for winter insects

    You might catch sight of hibernating insects and early risers over the next few weeks, says Sally Cunningham.

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    • Supporters

    Remembering Roger Hitchings

    It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of our friend and organic pioneer Roger Hitchings, who passed away on Monday 25 November after a short illness.

  7. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Heritage Seed Library
    • Advice

    How to request seeds from the Heritage Seed Library Seed List

    Accessing heritage seeds from our annual Seed List is easy, but here we outline some handy tips.

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    • Podcast

    The Organic Gardening Podcast - December

    In this month's winter-wellness Organic Gardening Podcast, Fiona visits River Cottage to chat with author, chef and fermentation expert Rachel de Thample.

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    • Wildlife gardening

    Support your garden spiders

    Spiders must be one of the most maligned creatures in the garden – but they’re an indispensable part of the garden ecosystem, naturally controlling pests.

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    • Composting

    How to ferment food waste using the bokashi method

    We dig into the ingenious bokashi composting method, showing how to ferment food waste that can be tricky to compost and turn it into a nutritious ingredient for your garden.