Who we are
Welcome to Garden Organic!
Our Chief Executive
Fiona has always had a sense that gardening and growing knits together friendships and generations and has a unique ability to cross barriers and boundaries. Find out more about our Chief Executive.
Our staff and volunteers
Our team is made up of staff and volunteers who work at our headquarters in Ryton, in our organic demonstration garden and out in communities and back gardens across the UK.
Our history
For more than half a century, our charity has brought together thousands of people who share a common belief – that organic growing is essential for a healthy and sustainable world.

Work with us
We’re here to get more people growing organically and by becoming part of our team, either in a paid or voluntary position, you can help us to make a change for the better. Find out about latest job and volunteering opportunities.
On the team
Meet our board of trustees and sponsors who support our work.
Charity information
Garden Organic Annual Report Accounts 2023 (England & Wales)
Garden Organic Annual Report Accounts 2023 (Scotland)
Memorandum of Articles of Association September 2021
Memorandum Articles of Association Rules
2023 AGM minutes
Useful documents
Garden Organic Complaints Policy and Procedure