Bee hovering by a sunflower
Half a thumb print.
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Discover organic growing

Garden Organic promotes organic growing and composting, citizen science and research, and seed conservation through our Heritage Seed Library. We want to help you garden 'the organic way', using natural methods to promote healthy, productive, sustainable gardens.

Seeds in the Heritage Seed Library

Become a Variety Champion

Our heritage varieties are a vital part of our genetic past and, with your help, we can ensure they will be available for future generations. If you would be willing to consider becoming a Variety Champion, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Who we are and what we do

Our charity brings together thousands of people who share a common belief – that organic growing is essential for a healthy and sustainable world. Through campaigning, advice, community work and research, our aim is to get everyone growing ‘the organic way’.

Your garden this month

Don't cut back perennials too hard in the autumn 'clear up'. Hollow stems, tussocky plants and piles of leaves swept under a hedge make perfect overwintering sites for a huge number of beneficial creatures.

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Your organic garden in September

September sunshine is special - golden and gentle. But the growing days are shorter, with dew drenched mornings and cool evenings. Now is the time to gather your harvest before frosts threaten. And save your seeds before winter sets in.

More advice for this month